An argument often used for Humala has not ruled, therefore, it is said, no one knows exactly what would come to power.
I find that argument weak. In 1990 many said the same of Alberto Fujimori, "is new, let's try a change." By their background and personality some thought it would be a leap and, unfortunately, not wrong. It was a jump to the dictatorship.
In recent years we have seen that argument fail many times in Congress, regional and municipal governments. The vast majority are new and usually disappoint their voters faster than the old. Democracy
Humala has no attachment to democracy. That the use to try to come to power means nothing. Hugo Chavez also used the election to pull himself up to the government and then finished with democracy, concentrating all powers in pursuit of opponents, strangling the media and perpetuating themselves in power indefinitely. Like
are trying Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega and others. This is precisely what made Alberto Fujimori, also elected democratically, the precursor of the new breed of dictatorships disguised in Latin America.
Humala's argument, then, a Democrat because it participates in elections, is worthless.
Humala has a professional and family training authoritarian and undemocratic. He is a soldier assigned to the current Army Velasco, who argues that the military are the only ones who can revolutionary transformation of society.
His family formation points in the same direction. Her parents have said explicitly, did their children not to enter the Army a career but to take power and transform Peru into a socialist country.
Thus was formed over 40 years. And when he entered politics immediately acceded to the current that represented these purposes, Chavez, pompously called XXI Century Socialism.
The only alternative is to get into power must first win the elections, because military coups are banned since late 1980 by the international community in this region of the world. All who have tried have failed. Practice
Not only are the ideas of Humala which raise doubts about his democratic convictions. Twice he has tried unsuccessfully revolted.
On 1 January 2005 from Seoul supported the bloody uprising of his brother Antauro in Andahuaylas. And through Radioprogramas read a proclamation calling to overthrow the democratic government of Alejandro Toledo.
now lying, saying he only incited marches and demonstrations. It clearly said on 1 January when Antauro had assaulted the police station and abducted the policemen seized the weapons. An armed uprising against a democratic government. (Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR3IThhc4Z8&feature=related).
There was also an interview that he was surprised, in which he said things without thinking. He sought to participate in RPP and read a statement he had prepared beforehand, which also shows that he was perfectly aware of what he would do Antauro, who had coordinated with his brother the violent uprising against democracy. Cain
When the rebels killed four policemen and no military unit supported the uprising, when it became clear that the masses of people watching with indifference the coup, when the failure was undeniable, Ollanta removed the body.
Then when the situation was grim for Antauro, imprisoned and despised, Ollanta abandoned it completely. Publicly condemned him in ever harsher terms. That
though stoically Antauro accompanied him in October 2000 and stayed Locumba Mount Ollanta while hiding comfortably in the city of Tacna. Although he did was Antauro popular with Ollanta newspaper, which published five years. Thanks to this platform could Ollanta off electorally in 2005.
addition, Antauro was not just an ally. Was, and his brother. Rarely seen anything as dirty in the dirty politics of Peru.
Finally, Ollanta Humala is a violator of human rights. He directly. There is a mastermind. (See Carlos Basombrío and Fernando Rospigliosi, "Security and its institutions in Peru at the beginning of the century", IEP, 2006, p. 311 et seq.).
I have no doubt about Humala.
Yes I have doubts about Keiko Fujimori. That will be the subject of another article.
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