The Datum polling commissioned by the newspaper Peru 21, did a study with the purpose of ascertaining the intention to vote ahead of the second round (runoff). The survey was conducted between 25 and 27 April at the national level, with a margin of error of + -2.8%, with the following results: Ollanta Humala (41.5%), Keiko Fujimori (40.3%) and white / flawed or not accurate (18.2%)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
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The Datum polling commissioned by the newspaper Peru 21, did a study with the purpose of ascertaining the intention to vote ahead of the second round (runoff). The survey was conducted between 25 and 27 April at the national level, with a margin of error of + -2.8%, with the following results: Ollanta Humala (41.5%), Keiko Fujimori (40.3%) and white / flawed or not accurate (18.2%)
Friday, April 29, 2011
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Uruguayan deposits outside the borders represent 31.6% of bank assets, is the biggest drop since 1995.
Uruguayan residents reduced their savings abroad.
Uruguayan deposits in foreign banks recorded a significant decline over the past year, while placements in the local market experienced strong growth. Coicide movement with the enactment of the law taxing the income received by individuals on deposits abroad. According to a report released Thursday by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS for short in English), the amounts that Uruguayans have in bank accounts outside the country fell $ 1,499 million during the last year, representing a 17.4% drop in one year.
biggest decline since 1995.
is the sharpest decline recorded since the BIS began keeping records in 1995. At the end of last year, the Uruguayan deposits outside the country stood at U.S. $ 7,126 millones.De that way, residents in the country have in foreign institutions 31.6% of bank assets, the lowest since the first quarter of 2002. At the end of 2009 the percentage of deposits outside the country reached 40%. The maximum value of the series for the first quarter of 2008, they represented 43.7% of assets in institutions bancarias.La reduction Uruguayan deposits outside the country coincided with the discussion a new tax on income extrafronteras, by the authorities.
The new regulation extends the concept of income tax and interest earned on deposits in foreign banks, which became subject to taxation in Uruguay. The regulation was passed by Parliament with the National Budget Law came into force on 1 January this year. For example, a placement of U.S. $ 500 billion at a rate of 2% annually receives $ 10 billion in interest, of which $ 1,200 must pay tax. The tax can be determined to maintain external funding ceases to be profitable, even more so in a context of very low interest rates on the market international and major investment opportunities in the local market in securities denominated in local currency.
local deposits.
deposits in Uruguayan banks operating within the domestic space witnessed a significant growth over the last year. At current prices
placements savers U.S. residents increased $ 2,467 million, implying a rate of 19.1% over the previous year. Thus, the increase of deposits in local banks Uruguay more than offset the decline in placements outside borders. The total amount residents have today Uruguayan banks was U.S. $ 15,412 million. Another U.S. $ 3,120 million related to non-residents who own assets in institutions that operate in the banking LOCAL whole, the balance of assets within and across borders, in the banking system, represents the Uruguayans U.S. $ 22,538 million, an increase of 4.5% last year.
In terms of deposits abroad, the trends over the last year marked a clear trend, decreasing in each quarterly measurement from the second quarter. Whether by chance or as a result of the project, the reduction of assets across borders coincide with the period in which they discussed the change in taxation, considered by Some experts tax experts and investors as a change in the rules that conditioned the decisions of agents.
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Stock. At the end of 2010 had placed U.S. $ 7.126 million
The money that people and (mainly) companies have placed in foreign banks fell by $ 1.499 million (-17.3%) compared December 2010-December 2009. It's the biggest drop in amount and in percentage since no data.
After March Uruguayan deposits in foreign banks reached U.S. $ 8,893 million, the highest since data are available (1995) -, they began to fall in subsequent quarters as the International Bank data Settlements (BIS by its acronym in English).
Thus, at the end of June totaled U.S. $ 8,785 million (U.S. $ 108 million less than in March) to U.S. $ 8470 million in September (U.S. $ 315 million less than in March) and end of December reached U.S. $ 7.126 million (U.S. $ 1,344 million lower than at end-March), according to data released yesterday by the BIS. In addition, the amount of December is the lowest in two years. In turn, if you compare the savings that Uruguayans were in banks outside the end of each year, the fall was U.S. $ 1,499 million compared to 2009.
Possible explanations for why there are several. In April last year, the government announced would send a bill to levy income tax of natural persons (PIT) to the income generated by movable assets that residents have outside (interest on deposits, bonds and stock dividends among others) were exempt.
Although no empirical evidence that announcement and the subsequent approval of the project have caused the decline, deposits abroad began to decline after the announcement, particularly the largest decline occurred in the last quarter (see chart).
The law imposes a 12% interest on deposits outside force since 1 January.
Meanwhile, in the banking system Uruguayan deposits grew 17% in 2010, this is U.S. $ 2,595 million more than at December 31, 2009. The income tax levied at different rates of interest for deposits in local banks as they are in local currency (pesos and indexed units) or in dollars. In the first case, the interest on deposits over a year to pay 3%, while those that are located less than a year to pay 5%. Meanwhile, the interest paid on dollar deposits by 12%. With rates at the international level on the floor (and, hence, little gain), it is likely that some of the fall in deposits in foreign banks has gone to the local financial system during last year. Is that the higher profitability of a placement in UI, and a lower rate of income tax that make it attractive return of capital.
Another part may have gone into investment in local bonds and other direct investment.
Also part of the deposits in banks outside may have gone to other overseas financial assets that Uruguayans consider more difficult to identify by the DGI (such as stocks or bonds) or real estate abroad, whose income from leases is not taxed on income tax.
To control the payment of income tax to the foreign assets the government designated as withholding agents, banks and local stockbrokers (See separate article).
"The only way to raise"
In the coming weeks, the Executive shall issue the decree regulating the law imposes income tax on income from assets abroad (such as interest on deposits, bonds or stock dividends ) and to designate banks and stockbrokers as withholding agents.
President of the Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo (BVM), Pablo Montaldo, told El Pais that "in conversations (we had) with the Ministry of Economy was very clear that the only way to raise the tax was naming withholding agents ".
response, "we suggest that the BVM can be named and thus administrative work to get the runners, "he said. Although not known whether he had been taken into account.
Montaldo assessed that" it is a cost "that" you can not charge customers "and that" certainly we will have to get people to work on this part. "
Meanwhile, consulted by El Pais, the executive director of the Association of Private Banks, Julio de Brun, declined to comment on the designation of these institutions as withholding agents as they are" studying "the issue.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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If bad memory, the Weekly Mail advertising began running last week and a half, creating among readers of the Daily Mail and untamed emotion that would finally and related materiel to our thinking. However, one day before the price I am particularly disappointed because I thought at first it would be a direct competitor of the Sunday magazine, which comes in the newspaper La Repubblica (S/2.50). So So I waited, and not to many minds, on Thursday 28, when it handed over free of charge (at least I see you once, I thought).
I guess they have done their respective studies, and no doubt the ability of working in Epensa, but I think I had a bad perception of the public who normally read mail. I do not know if the average reader of this newspaper may acquire this new magazine, but justifies its price (for the material, quality and other information) may not reach the hands of people who saw a Daily Mail seriously under price. At least I consider myself middle class, I can make some effort, however, I about others (the people), more so when we are at a crucial time.
If you stop to think, and there are magazines that deal with the myriad details of an error of Ollanta Humala and the danger of his candidacy: Masks, Peru American Economy, Economic and Power Week. All over 15 soles and public generally is one that is interested in politics and the economy, which already has a base and showing some willingness to learn about such controversial topics and humorous as the Plan of Government of Ghana Peru. Then, Weekly Mail comes this distinguished audience and Sunday (The Republic) is sickening the minds of some unwary who read the magazine as if the Bible (when it should be a further means of improving an opinion or position) and not have a deeply rooted ideology but by the investment warrants to purchase, for example, Masks, Power or Mail Weekly (now). And clarification, the question is not "good costs" that you can not tell the "great mass" that-God forbid-you can choose to Ollanta Humala on 5 next.
In any case, since the magazine began its publication, I must emphasize, first, the material, the quality of information, the only op-ed (missed more), data, good design and others. Although, of course, always improving and preventing errors (page 38 and 39, for example) so that market fight not so large that represent the sectors A, B and, hopefully, the C (territory of the Sunday magazine .)
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is to be generated by foreign assets
For Tax Department in charge of the consulting CPA / Ferrero, Javier Metre, the rules of law that imposes income tax the earnings on foreign assets will have several "measures to facilitate the payment" of such tax. While
since 1 January this year, the earnings on the assets of capital (interest on deposits, debt securities or shares etc.) is taxed to Income Tax of Individuals (income tax ) at a rate of 12%, it is not regulated.
In that sense, Metro said yesterday in an event organized on CPA tax changes "likely to be applied (by regulation) a criterion of the perceived" that is, when the taxpayer receives income and it pays tribute, no. On the other hand, considered to be applied "notional scheme" to determine the rent in cases not able to identify how much income and how much capital gains (not taxed).
Official sources told El Pais days ago to be designated withholding agents of this tribute to banks and stockbrokers, among others.
Director of Revenue, Paul Ferreri said in the event that created a unit of international taxation in the Internal Revenue Service, which shall request information and provide it in the context of agreements to avoid double taxation which has (and will) Uruguay containing OECD standard for information exchange. He noted that the officers of this unit were all trained abroad.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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The land for agricultural use has increased from 13% of its value, according to a report published Monday in the web site of the Presidency of the Republic.
The information comes at a time of sustained growth in agricultural production, for example, the rice crop will exceed 1.5 million tonnes and afforestation which represents more than 1,000 million dollars a year in exports.
The official report noted that the average land and has been located in $ 2,650 hectare in late 2010 against $ 2,329 in 2009. The document said that in the second half of 2010 were 1,143 sales transactions totaling 157,000 hectares for 434 million dollars.
Data were provided by the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (IDEA) of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries.
Fernando Rincon, responsible for monitoring and information management, said that in 2010 negotiated the area was 350,000 hectares, with a slight increase of 4% compared to 2009.
The report noted that the Department of Paysandu, Durazno Tacuarembó were those who have registered major land sales, especially to destine them to livestock and forestry.
departments with more land were sold Rocha, Cerro Largo and Lavalleja, accounting for 23% of total transactions, while San Jose and Colonia recorded the highest average prices in 6195 and $ 5,000 per hectare for small areas 70 and 95 hectares, by operation respectively.
While Rivera, on the border with Brazil, recorded the lowest average with $ 1,124 an acre.
Livestock - beef - continues to be the largest item of export from Uruguay with over 1,400 million dollars last year on a total of Uruguayan products exported 6.732 million dollars in 2010.
forestry exports grew at over 1,000 million dollars in 2010 against just over 600 million dollars in 2009.
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is part of the rules of law that taxed income.
The regulations of the law that imposes the Income Tax of Individuals (income tax), income from assets that are foreign residents, will include "some withholding agents" of the tribute as "banks, brokers "and other" investment managers overseas " forward official sources told El Pais.
The law imposes income tax at a rate of 12% yields on deposits, loans or any capital placement, in force since 1 January but has not yet been regulated.
The sources said is expected to be ready by decree in the coming weeks.
's appointment-retention agents to be deducted from the rent paid to his client the tax and then turn it over to the Internal Revenue Service, helps ensure the administration of tax collection.
also be set "when (the year) is determined by income," said officials.
The Act provides that "taxpayers have been taxed abroad, the income from capital" mentioned, "may prove" the tribute paid abroad "against the income tax that is generated for the same rent" . It also notes that "credit charge may not exceed the portion of that tax calculated prior to such deduction."
This law also includes the relaxation of bank secrecy and regulation will provide "the relevant procedures of each of the steps" the administration must continue to ask the Court to lift the secrecy.
The law already states that "bank secrecy may be lifted by a court when the director general of Revenue, in exercise of the powers of the DGI audit and tax obligations on non-prescribed, expressly requested and funded to the Courts of First Instance with jurisdiction in civil matters, information on banking operations certain natural or legal persons. "
previous steps to request the Director General of Revenue are to be regulated. Stalk
Monday, April 25, 2011
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Construction. Prices per square meter in Uruguay are among the highest in the region.
The market launch of several building projects at unprecedented values \u200b\u200bof U $ S 4,000 per square meter has been placed back on the table the issue of price bubbles.
The issue is not entirely resolved, because although these values \u200b\u200bbegan to move closer to new projects planned in Montevideo in 2011 and 2012, the gap between the cost of new and used housing expands more and represents a potential upside for the price spiral.
"If the value of property New peel off the used too much of the market demand refocus, "he told the Ultimas Noticias Villamide real estate consultant in July.
Still, some indicators already send disturbing signals on the formation of a potential bubble in housing prices.
A conceptual tool used by the website of the Global Property Guide (Global Property Guide) to evaluate this phenomenon is to compare the evolution of property prices by years of rent that a property has been purchased.
Since it measures the number of years of collecting rents necessary to recover the full value of the home, the more higher the value of the home, more years it will take to recoup that investment.
According to a ranking produced by the site of real estate consulting, Uruguay has the highest ranking in the price-rent Latin America, requiring an average of 16 years of collecting rents for the property value.
Another tool that uses Global Property Guide is the change in value of construction per square meter, an estimate shows that Uruguay has one of the highest average cost per square meter of construction in the region: U $ S 2,191.
According to consultant level, in Latin America, this value is exceeded only by Brazil, where the square meter is offered U $ S 2,227.
The government estimated in December that the cost per square meter construction of Uruguay was located in the U $ S 2,500, which would put the country at the top of the comparisons in Latin America.
Estimating the Global Property Guide values \u200b\u200bwas made on works in the center of Montevideo, 120 square meters, mostly condos, with a good level.
But the growth of these securities are not accompanied with similar increase in the value of other assets.
Between 2005 and 2010 real wage-deflated value, or discounting inflation, grew by 7.53% and in the same period the unit indexed-monetary financial da expresses the evolution of prices of goods and services, grew 42.2%.
Another indicator to verify the comparison is the gross domestic product, in that period rose by 111.76%, while the price per square meter of construction rose 338.2%.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) launched a few weeks ago a new alert on managing capital flows and bubbles in emerging countries.
The strong flow of capital to the region today, it carries not only the appreciation of local currencies against the dollar and the loss of export competitiveness, but also stimulates escalating prices of investment goods considered as property, where they cause an excessive demand.
This month the director for the IMF's Western Hemisphere, Nicolas Eyzaguirre, acknowledged in Washington that the agency had advised the country to take preventive measures against the influx of capital, but added that the country the subject was not an imminent threat.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
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reactions I've seen all kinds in connection with their statements. I regret and reject those which range from disqualification to personal insult. For those who are not Fujimori and Humala decide this vote is an algebraic problem.
By coincidence I was present at the closing dinner of the regional assembly of the Mont Pelerin Society in Buenos Aires, where he developed his position MVLl. The context helps to explain their reasoning.
VLL said that, despite everything, Latin America was moving. There are fewer dictators, he noted, to the extent they have become an endangered species.
In Peru, therefore, had to choose one sentence to the option that represents a dictatorship of the past. Could not vote for Keiko Fujimori, because that was back.
VLL's reasoning, however, does not hold. If you look at the plan of government of Ghana Peru concludes that it will intervene comprehensively the economy. That does not lead to something else, sooner or later, that the liquidation of the rule of law.
course, is the hope, the "miracle" in the words of VLL. Ollanta Humala could change and turn into a government of consensus, to Lula.
The "consensus" of Lula, however, conceal a system based on corruption. In the particular businesses across the state favors. Mercantilism is a populist, which continues in power.
On the other hand, if it comes to miracles, one might expect the "miracle" that Keiko Fujimori govern according to democratic rules and not according to current dictatorship of his father. VLL
relies more on the miracle relation to one candidate. Support your position in this act of faith.
If freedoms are threatened, says VLL would protest. Is not it this collection for both?
Neither candidate has been cleared so far, in my opinion, there are doubts about them. VLL is more afraid of a dictatorship of the past that a possible future.
To decide an election that hard, look at the ideas and programs. Also in the companies and, especially, in which many millions of suns financing of campaigns.
can opt for Humala, but VLL reasons for this are not good. I will not close my eyes when voting.
Source: La República (Peru)
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toad swallowing .- Last week, from this column, I announced that on Sunday of the second lap I largaría Cerro Azul beach chasing crabs with the support of Spark. I revisited this project for two reasons: first, that the crabs have done me no harm, and second, my civic duty is to try to prevent the massive damage that a cop clumsy, stubborn, ignorant and a liar can make the whole country, perhaps for 20 years.
almost exactly five years ago (end of the process that pitted vs García Pérez. Humala) wrote in this column a story that I titled "Swallow a toad." There was no choice but to vote for Alan Garcia, despite the horrendous inflation that left runners-up in the world, despite the "balconazos" and mismanagement of his five years despite its lamentable parliamentary majority and the inconsistencies of his "reforms", despite the wicked attempt to nationalize the banks; despite ...
The list of woes is endless. But there was no choice but to swallow the frog and prevent "the commander" came to the palace, carrying their nebulous story of "Captain Carlos" in my Mother, his clear preference statist nationalization, which would have won huge sympathy in the Kremlin historical and Havana today.
"Lose Peru" .- César Miró wrote this waltz we all sang "All return ...". We now know that yes, become even more undesirable, cradled by the illiterate vote, by ignorance or resentment, for the intellectual disability and complex. The return of the uniformed military schools where they teach the rule No. 1 and fundamental "questions first shot and then ...".
The ominous General Juan Velasco Alvarado becomes incarnate in his most earnest, said by himself to repeat the black history and vivid: the creation of 107 state enterprises according to the "Bankruptcy Peru", losing money all; ban use and circulation of foreign currency; persecution of the media and cynical first seizure, with nighttime assault and fracture ruin ruin of agriculture and fishery, discouraging investment in mining and bad management of the mines of the State; deportation of anyone who expressed views unofficial and closing of all that interrupt the production of the "new man" who inhabit this country ...
"Lose Peru" is the party created by the disciple of Velasco Alvarado, a professional liar who already put together three constitutions devised with the help of a band of "ideologues" and "political scientists" who armed themselves to the Pérez García nationalization of banks: Eguiguren, Valega and Salgado. And the most recent conquest of the cop, Yehude Simon deserve a kind. (I never understood how Simon could be in the ranks of PPK). He did not say how many congressmen have this time defending the illegal coca and drug trafficking.
no choice: swallow a frog and vote for Mrs. Keiko.
Source: Mail (Peru)
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The pollster Ipsos Apoyo, commissioned by the group El Comercio , did a study with the purpose of ascertaining the intention to vote ahead of the second round (runoff). The survey was conducted between 19 and 21 April at the national level, with a margin of error of + -2.3%, with the following results: Ollanta Humala (42%), Keiko Fujimori (36%) and white / flawed or inaccurate (22%)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
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According to Congressman Victor Andres Garcia Belaunde this Act it does is provide legal cover for what is basically a theft of corporate resources by managers in emerging cheated workers and taxpayers.
"corruption, and this is a corrupt law, which is why we oppose it," Victor Andres Garcia Balaunde
the case where the full bench Humala has promoted and voted for this law. It is obvious that one can not creetr Gacia both Belaunde Congressman and Congresswoman Marisol Espinoza, 180 diverge as their afformations grados.Por therefore must believe in the arguments of one of the two.
I think the arguments of Victor Andres Garcia Belaunde.
And you? ----------------------------------------------
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Mrs. ESPINOZA CRUZ (GPN) .- President: In the Land Commission, nosotroshemos heard from workers. They have reported tax payment of 18 million new soles for October and 23 million new soles for when the end of the year. The concern we have is with the hiring of a member of the opposition group trying to buy into the program
ProInversión. In other words, "had put the cat butler." It is therefore proposed that the companies guarantee the payment schedules and adjustments Workers are. It also requires compliance with the obligations of the sugar companies to its creditors. Do not forget that the first creditor, by law, the worker. That is the concern we've had in the Land Commission to support the proposal in debate.Esta proposal was approved unanimously by the Land Commission, for which I proceed to the vote, Mr. Chairman. Thanks.
Mr. Garcia Belaunde (AP) .- Mr. President, I fully agree with Mr. Bedoya. It is a shame that today, discussing the budget for the Republic, receiving Mr. Piñera, president of a neighboring republic, with absolutacordialidad has shown you, suddenly put into a project delque debate and I'd heard he was going to review here, although I could not believe that happen.
Congresswoman Marisol Espinoza, who appreciate and admire, refers to a meeting endonde has received some group workers Oviedo, some, not all. I herecibido everyone. And she has said that taxes were paid. Not true. Losimpuestos contained in the notices are deductions that have been made of the Sales ImpuestoGeneral, deductions, Mr. President, they have not paid impuestos.Y the company is worse today than before, have more debt than before and liabilities as before , is a company that is manipulating the population. Sacadounos notices have against me, simply oppose oppose, as anyone sepuede opposed-to a law here is the warning. Who pays for these ads estaFederación of Sugar Workers of Peru, which is a spurious association porqueno is registered with the Ministry of Labour? Workers who sign are pseudo union and all employees of the group are Oviedo.Esta is a law for the group because it only benefits Oviedo Pomalca Tumán.Y and manages the group Oviedo Tumán Pomalca and habeas corpus and juecescorruptos. Approved directories and balances to habeas corpus does deChiclayo judges? Chiclayo not to judges, but judges Bongará, Amazonas, deTrujillo. That is, Oviedo is a mafia group. But it is a cowardly mob because Noponen insult his name when a parliamentarian; they are cowards.
At least Al Capone and Pablo Escobar was pants was a brave man. Encambio, these mafia group Oviedo are cowards who do not put their name ymandan to proxies and lackeys to insult parliamentarians and link them with business that does not exist. I have nothing to do with the agricultural world or the group Gloria.No know them, do not know who they are. A group of Oviedo do not know them, but the group has a management Oviedo mafioso.Con this type of advertising they want to insult the parliamentarians. And who has rallied in Parliament with these ads is called "liar" to an MP? Mr President, here's the warning and get into notice two people who have nothing to do with it, referred to Mr. Kleinberg, whom I know very little. What DondeEsta, then Parliament?, Why Parliament did not allow me to rotate 200 milnuevos soles to answer these lies?, Where do we draw the parliamentarians 200 000 new soles?
Mr. Garcia Belaunde (AP) .- When a company has problems, susactivos sell and sell their assets to get ahead. Ford, Chrysler and GeneralMotors have. Why not sell assets sugar companies? Eight nursing añosestán free, eight are milking the cow without pay, but selling milk. That is a privilege that can not be accepted in Peru. We have heard aMichael Porter at CADE 2010, where he talks about competitiveness, but also speaks of corruption, and this is a corrupt law, which is why we oppose it.
Read more: on-the-conference # comments # ixzz1K7ZVjLYz
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overwhelmingly passed the House of Congress on Wednesday, 20 insistence on the text of the opinion of the bill feasible measures available to the system of sugar farm businesses for the purpose of implementing Law 29299, Law of Expansion of Wealth Protection and Transfer of Equity Interest of the State to undertakings.
The Agricultural Commission's opinion states that do not accept any comments of the Executive and therefore agree to insist on the original text which states that the period of the transfer of state involvement in agricultural enterprises sugar unfailingly ends December 31, 2011, and the system of protection of these assets.
The provision gives also suspended the sale of shares of farms sugar while they are in effect the deadlines established by this law.
Earlier, the chairman of the Committee on Economy, Rafael Yamashiro (A), sustained a new opinion of its working group, which also was supported by the holder of the Land Commission, Aníbal Huerta (PAP).
After brief remarks of congressmen Isaac Mekler (AN), Luis Falla Lamadrid (PAP), Daniel Abugattás (GPN) and Karina Beteta (UPP), who supported the proposal and called for an immediate vote on the insistence. Beteta Congresswoman asked to vote to put the emphasis on the autograph of the bill reported by the executive branch, whose report was approved by the Committee Agraria.
response, the director of the debate, Congressman Alejandro Aguinaga (GPF), first vice president of Congress, the question put to a vote after it received 74 votes in favor, two against and two abstentions. Then approved the insistence by 71 votes in favor, four against and three abstentions, which was ready for promulgation by the President of Congress.
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- economia/745811/noticia-aprobaron-ley-proteccion-patrimonial-azucareras
Of The Trade
The standard was approved by valid for one year and will be enacted in the coming days. Sugar workers promised to leave the Plaza Dos de Mayo
Protection Act Equity for sugar was approved today by the full House with 71 votes in favor and five against. This rule will be valid for one year and will be enacted in the coming days.
"If this was not the law the sugar workers would go from first to last place creditors and debtors," said Congressman Jorge del Castillo in dialogue with Radio Programs. It is recalled that the controversial law was observed by President Alan Garcia, who said it was "discriminatory" and "benefit" power groups.
The workers' leader, Demetrio Ruiz, said that tonight is meet with the federation that meets tomorrow to leave the Plaza Dos de Mayo, the camping site for 100 days.
For its part, the MP Yonhy Lescano hoped that the adoption of the law guarantees the protection of the rights of workers.
Read more: # ixzz1KBxSjiVz
SOURCE: El Nuevo Sol (Ricardo Lago V)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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A story that ended in tragedy in sports: bad planning, economic decisions on sports and even a bit of cynicism and neglect marked the further decline of Atletico.
A field full of ashes. That is what remains of Necaxa, another example of the impunity, poor planning and greed can destroy in Mexican soccer.
comments about the decline of Necaxa
Any kind of excuse or justification is inappropriate. Necaxa history has been a story based on the tragedy, poor management decisions in a political spoils mixed with economic interests on measures which despair always obeyed, not coherence, to be the "second-hand plate "which contained the leftovers of the "rule", which the elder brother, capricious and powerful did not want more.
Not long after becoming established as the team with more intense numbers of Mexican football - that picture of Lapuente while not playing open and spectacular, it was extremely effective - Necaxa relegation again despite having made more changes than anyone and have had no apparent advantages that other when he began the battle to avoid relegation.
The Necaxa is another example of how bad it is "managed" the game in Aguascalientes. Necaxa is another sign that no equipment timeshare ends up being beneficial to anyone. Necaxa is further evidence that the football decisions to be taken with a cool head and people who really know the field and their most private secrets. Necaxa is another example of the economic greed can not ever go over the sport. Necaxa is a story of sorrow, of disappointment, the betrayal, tantrums, a story where the fan is always the least considered and finally the only recent misfortune of falling.
The "effort" to lower it was well planned: First of a directive, unable to make the right decisions at the right time. Technical firing early and not dismiss before time ran out were among the most delicate moments of the last time. Someone did not have the patience right to Omar Arellano, but, by contrast, had too much restraint to Daniel Brailovsky. Among these uncertainties, it was another trip Necaxa farm on the lower division. The other "sin": he had to do with the decision they made between directors and coaching staff to strengthen the team with veteran players (most of them left over from other teams) do not contribute anything in the attempt to salvation.
At the end of their journey, Necaxa was forgotten even by their owners. A Televisa not even cared to find the transmission of their games, the subsided, and gave it sought cynically away from the issue as if it were something that did not care. The "yoke" TV turned his back and was again Necaxa, as was always the unwanted brother, the bastard child, the prostitute's "empire", that bad decisions with the "leftovers" of others would being on the road. A penalty for an institution rich in history, names, deeds.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
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Necaxa back to Liga de Ascenso a year later. A 1-1 draw with Atlante became official what had already been routed from the media party week, or from the slow start to the tournament which marked the change of coach. The Rays are fired from First with complaints to the referee, led by coach Sergio Well, the penalty that doomed them.
At Aguascalientes was not enough with that delivery, that fight and football they showed in Cancun, his fate was identified and defined with only matched. The attitude of the players was the best and even served to contain the Colts could not beat the calculator.
Rays, again, let go the advantage on the scoreboard with a goal to settle the dispute before an Atlantean far removed from the good image that has delivered in recent weeks, just in mourning which celebrated 95 years of existence.
From the start, led by the rival good pressure, complicating the output of Barca who finished delivering the ball. Sergio Blanco warned off with a Chilean who controlled Moises Munoz, who appeared again at minute 10 to hold a shot from Everaldo Barbosa in the area. Necaxa
took control of the ball and began to arrive from the side, putting attitude to not go to the League of Ascent. By 20 'found the reward, after a corner kick, Sergio Blanco center from the left across the area until Arturo Ledesma capped for 1-0.
was a just punishment for Atlante disconnected no recovery in midfield and low side output. Necaxa danger again led a long line to which Christian Suarez arrived, but could not finish properly. The Colts even roamed the goal of Oscar Perez.
Before the break, White and Smith were again combined for a play of danger, however, Ecuador did not give a pass to Juan Carlos Mosqueda and the chance was lost.
After the break, the game changed. Miguel Herrera sent the court a Giancarlo Maldonado and Atlante decided to go ahead, however, no longer sought Necaxa of goal and seemed content with the advantage. Christian took the ball
Bermúdez and the Colts began to create opportunities. Mario Maldonado Ortiz played for in the area, but the defense cut, just before the louse Amione Jerome tuck. The Hobbit topped in a couple of times, but the Rabbit controlled without problems.
Until they got 73 minutes Bermúdez a service in the area and managed to pull Ledesma Amione, at the time of visiting goalkeeper, no problems, stayed with the ball. The referee Miguel Angel Ortega Bermudez scored the penalty and defined for the tie. Neither
expulsion of Fernando Navarro sparked an awakening of those who abused Aguascalientes Front center looking for a goal to keep them alive for another week. Necaxa did not come and say goodbye to First.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Gatsby For Cruel Hair
There are groups of employers in the state looking for the place does not run Primera Liga Nacional
This instance was given the task of making the council that the then head (1999-2001) got to the state government donated the land where it stood Municipal Stadium to build what is now known as Victoria Stadium, Rays host Necaxa since July 2003.
Thus the PFFA guarantees its customers to whom they sold boxes and stalls in the building of the colony Heroes in the center of this city have a professional football team for at least 25 years since the beginning of construction of the existing house which is home to Necaxa. Nevertheless, due to the persistent rumor that the new drop box Televisa-owned land would aguascalenteses, and who seeks to replace this equipment and what better than one circuit.
As soon as six months ago Luis Armando Reynoso Femat negotiates both president Ulises Zurita Gallos Blancos de Queretaro to realize the possibility of Queretaro box to the square move, as has also held talks with Ricardo Henaine Mezher, chief of Puebla on Puebla, who has even threatened to take his team Angelopolis the support it receives no government of Rafale Moreno Valley as opposed to receiving nearly at the whim of exgobernante state, Mario Marín who even pour in from Puebla, José Sánchez Solá called as "my boss."
A source close to the president of PFFA who requested anonymity, reported the situation to the fans "Reynoso Femat engineer has been negotiating for several months with both leaders as with the Puebla Queretaro because here the people of Aguascalientes no may run out of top football and is making a strong effort in conjunction with various businesses to achieve to bring any of those teams, right now what I can say is that it is a possibility that some of these teams come to the institution, be concerned to see the progress of talks and later and announce that the city can not run out of the First Division football, "he said.
So things could be that she will Necaxa, the home crowd again go to Victoria every 15 days for Football First National Division.
Friday, April 15, 2011
All-clad Instructions
How To Make A Lead Mold
- On this date you can define the following five qualified
- Tigres, Chivas, Cruz Azul, Atlante Monterrey are the candidates for five tickets
- The decline could also be defined if lost Necaxa played
Until now, there are 15 applicants for six tickets to the Fiesta Grande, a more likely than others, so that this day would define the following five guests. Applicants are teams: Tigres, Chivas, Cruz Azul, Atlante and Monterrey. The
led by Ricardo Ferretti ensure their place in the playoff match against Jaguares simply because it would be adding 27 points, which are unattainable by the current ninth place in the overall standings: Toluca.
For Chivas, Cruz Azul and get the ticket to the Big Party, must win their respective games, those of Guadalajara beat Santos and Cruz Azul Puebla, in this way, both pictures join 27 units.
Meanwhile, Atlante and Monterrey are also candidates however, advancing to the playoffs, is not as easy as the previous teams as Colts tickets and Rayados depend not only on what they do them in this day, but a combination of results of their group rivals.
The Quintana Roo, who are in Group 2, the most closed of the tournament, they need to beat Necaxa, but at the same time not win Toluca, San Luis, Atlas and Pachuca.
Same for Monterrey, which lies box with 21 units in the third place of the first combo and that three points, need to Santos lost, and that students do not win.
Since it is not defined in the Day 14, the descent, could come to an end on this day. If Necaxa, loss or tie against Atlanta, his return to the League of Ascent will be imminent, and with this result, Querétaro and Jaguars, their direct rivals for the decline, and did not need more units. Source
Florida Affidavit Of Small Estate
Thursday, April 14, 2011
How To Tie A Bandana Mask
Trade Today reports that former Premier in 1990 -91, Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller, has voluntarily given wing justice.
"As recalled, Hurtado Miller appears in one of the famous 'vladivideos'. In the images dating from August 1998, he is seen receiving U.S. $ .334.000 from former presidential adviser Vladimiro Montesinos in order to finance his campaign this past year as mayor of Lima and Vamos Vecino "(El Comercio)
I do a little story about some events in 1990 and later, of which I was witness and participant, and gave them notice let's put that in context with what is happening today on campaign finance and / or labor practices campañailegales.
In late July 1990 until February 1991 when I was an economist in charge of relations of Peru in the World Bank, the agency stressed me to Lima to help Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller and his team in the design and implementation of stabilization plan to stop hyperinflation and stabilize prices and currency as a basis, in addition to Peru's international reintegration.
those days, my 37, I was enthusiastic and optimistic about the future of Peru, despite the chaotic situation, but not my authorities in the Bank in Washington DC, who thought I was suffering from naive romantic idealism of those who received jugs of cold water every time he traveled to the headquarters.
The official diagnosis Peru in Washington was that it was a "failed state" with a high risk of becoming a narco-terrorist or a country in anarchy permanent (such as Somalia today) or a Maoist dictatorship of Pol Pot's Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge, ie Abimael Guzman and Shining Path to power. Banda's murderers, whom the commander Ollanta Humala addressed - for twenty months in Madrid, as political parties, Robin Hood type, which had lost a war in which the victors (the State) had not purged their crimes. Supported by the video statement (unedited) for July 2009 posted by Humala's campaign on YouTube:
back to 1990 and Hurtado Miller. The newly elected president, Alberto Fujimori, now in extremis suspicious in itself, viewed with great suspicion the World Bank because it was no secret that before the first round and between the first and second, the World Bank and IMF had supported "informally" to the campaign team of Mario Vargas Llosa.
For me, my bosses had instructed me to contact and coordinate actions, if I asked, with the campaign's economic team Mario Vargas Llosa. Still I have in my files the reports and internal memorandum chronicle of my statements.
However, Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller did everything possible from day one for English Martin Hardy (FMI) and especially a server by the World Bank, we felt part of the rather makeshift team had been economical to build Hurtado design a plan to stabilize the August 8, 1990. Team including Augusto Bedoya, Alfredo Jalilie, Julio Velarde, Roberto Abusada, Renzo Rossini, Javier de la Rocha, Esteban Hnyilicza (peace be), Martha Rodriguez, Luis Baba Nakao, Javier Abugattas, Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo Luis Alberto Arias, Marilyn Choy and some other famous Peruvian economist.
I have the conviction that the plan of August 8, 1990, and economic policy measures that followed during the administration of Hurtado (until February 1991 that was dismissed) and Jaime Yoshiyama, who was a cabinet minister - and then (since February 1991) with Carlos Bologna were the big step to save Peru's total chaos and / or a murderer Maoist regime.
I find it shameful that the Peruvian justice system has been so severe with Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller after his monumental service to the country for a case that is essentially illegal campaign financing in his campaign for mayor of Lima in 1998, something that, unfortunately, do all political parties in all countries in all historical periods. He said in a recent column to former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl - one of the most respected and honorable politicians of the twentieth century - was an active subject of several cases of illegal financing of election campaigns, some involving the arms dealer Karlheinz Schreiber Canadian, and also to former French President François Mitterrand and former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.
By April 8, 2011, according Peru21, Ollanta Humala's campaign had not submitted information on payment ONPE (and funding may be) to Labour Party members in Brazil and former Brazilian government officials Lula de Silva, Luis Favre Valdemir Garrett and although they have been working for Humala in Lima since December 2010 and it is known that this type of consultants charge a fortune. Ollanta Humala
go through life with the flag of nationalism, but does not seem to bother much something as anti-patriotic and employ people connected to foreign governments without showing contracts electoral authorities, as are, who paid and why they are working illegally on tourist visas Peru. And this despite the Humala campaign spending, even declared are millionaires and exceed those of other candidates. In addition, the campaign is in the red (has spent more resources than the funding identified and no one knows who has the money Handset). ONPE Surprisingly, not suing the campaign put Garrett and Favre "a right" and corrected their status as illegal workers in Peru with an exhibition of their contracts and salaries. Have you done? Do you expect otherwise?
is also the monumental incompressible forbearance and generosity of the government of Valentin Paniagua and Alejandro Toledo and the Peruvian justice system in general, to a military declared seditious rebellion in 2000, was pardoned, reinstated and awarded the Army as a military attaché in France and Korea , receiving a hefty salary.
from Korea in 2005, precisely when he held a position as a diplomat of the Republic supported by a public statement to the media, the rebellion of his brother Antauro Andahuaylas, who says he was the chief Ollanta up and gave the order. On January 12, 2009, the Second Criminal Court to Free Prisoners concluded "that could not prove that the nationalist leader acted as an instigator in making Andahuaylas police station in January 2005 that killed four policemen and two insurgents. "
And his call for popular insurrection and insurgency, the January 1, 2005 from Korea, demanding the resignation of President Alejandro Toledo constitutional? Is not felony, and in some countries subject to capital punishment to call to rebellion and insurgency? Humala's manifesto to the media is posted on YouTube, watch it:
Some readers I may explain why the ruthless severity of justice Hurtado Miller, who saved the country from chaos, and the generosity of the executive, legislative, judicial and a soldier involved in two coup attempts and whose financial obligations for the current year (with the Brazilians Garrett and Favre), April 9, were not reported to the ONPE. Being a secret (I draw on the PPK statements to the media before yesterday) the availability of foreign financing of the same unpaid advisers to the two Brazilians "illegal workers" in Peru are button shown. If they have not been paid Who pays? Do they? Do you work for free for the sake of the cause or art?
reader tell me: What do we owe the cruelty with Howard Miller? Someone who saved the country from hyperinflation and economic case for something - illegal campaign funding - if it appears and is vox populi that could be a problem of far greater proportions, and possibly funds from any foreign government - in Campaign Commander Humala twice coup.
Who is protecting and covering up for this gentleman for so long and why? What is the real underlying reason for the forbearance and generosity of the rule of law with the Commander Humala?
not just started having the feeling that Ollanta Humala is untouchable for justice and do not understand why. Here it seems that something fishy.
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MANIFESTO OF MAJOR Ollanta Humala JANUARY 1, 2005 call to rebellion E INSURGENCY
News Thu. April 7 '11
The millionaire campaign candidate Ollanta Humala
SAYS THAT IS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE BUT THE INVESTMENT IN YOUR CAMPAIGN IS THE MOST ostentatious. More than eight million soles has invested so far the leader of Ghana Peru in commercials, travel, marketing, etc..
Last February, when political parties reported their budget projections for spending on general election campaign, the candidate of Ghana Peru, Ollanta Humala Tasso, was the first to raise the banner of austerity and castigated its containers for displaying 'millions campaigns. "That report millionaire who is financing this campaign. Your budget is going to be short because I think it already has spent more than half ", then said retired Army commander, referring to Peru Possible candidate, Alejandro Toledo.
Well, now the roles are reversed and Humala has moved to head the ranking "For want of a way-of candidates, to date, have spent more on his campaign. Thus, the leader of Ghana Peru has almost tripled S/.3 million, just two months ago, told the National Elections Jury (JNE) and the estimated budget for their campaign expenses, and so far nothing has invested unless S/.8 '151, 837.
Not bad for a "campaign Franciscan few weeks ago as the qualified he and his followers.
MILLION RAIN. According to information provided to the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) by the campaign team wins Peru, contributions received, between national conferences, individuals and corporations, added S/.5 '877, 822.
But Ollanta Humala this amount has been cut and his spending has exceeded S/.2 '274, 015, whose origin is unknown so far. Now, as demanded earlier this year to their containers, "detailing the presidential candidate from the funds where strangers?
is at this point of contributions continues to draw attention to the identical sums, supposedly on a voluntary basis, have been delivered to the military advantage of the various people, some of which have no known occupation or business. This, for example, Milto the case of Vasquez Cardenas who ranks among the greatest benefactors of Humala's campaign to be delivered no less than S/.55, 400.
However, Vásquez Cárdenas has not recorded any professional or business activity in the records of the National Superintendency of Tax Administration (Sunat), does not record nor any career, not contained in financial records and, last but not least, no enrolled in the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec). So who is this unknown and generous benefactor? Humala wield his famous "apology and appeal to ignorance and throw the ball the court of his campaign? EXTERNAL ADVISERS
. However, the detail of expenditures reported by Gana Peru but provides for the investment in public meetings, radio and television advertising, outdoor advertising, among others, does not include payment to the two foreign consultants, since January, has been devoted Humala to eliminate the radical image and placing a center-left candidate.
According to what is customary in these campaigns, an aide Luis Favre and level-two Valdimir Garrett advisors also the Workers' Party (PT) of Brazil exmandatario Inacio Lula Da Silva-charges between 10% and 20% of total investments by their advisers. Since Humala has already invested more than S/.8 million payment to its foreign advisers would S/.800 exceeding thousand. Who will pay the payment for that work?
The cost of these consultants also does not include your accommodation so you must add the amount to have had Favre and Garrett staying until Tuesday, before the media revealed his location-in the Park Plaza hotel, where a room does not drop below $ 300 per day.
THE COMPARATIVE . In the reports issued yesterday ONPE also includes the costs of the other three main candidates to succeed President Alan Garcia. This can be seen that after Humala, who else has invested in his campaign is the candidate of Peru Posible, Alejandro Toledo, who to date has spent S/.6 '517, 712, two million more than budgeted at the start of the race.
What is the first child of former President Alberto Fujimori sentenced, Keiko Sofia, who has invested so far S/.6 '366, 925 and has an imbalance of more than two million suns whose origin, as in the case of candidate Ollanta Humala has not been justified.
Finally, the candidate is being more austere Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, leader of Alliance for the Great Shift, whom his campaign has cost S/.4 '438, 300. This amount includes mobility, marketing, advertising media, among other expenses.
Read more: / posts / who-finance-to-the-advisors-Brazilian-de-Humala # ixzz1JWFxyDoh
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The Howard Miller remembered phrase: "That God help us "
A profile of former Minister of Economy of the first government Alberto Fujimori, who yesterday was made right after spending 10 years in hiding
Faced with a country that lived the drama of inflation left by the first government of Alan García and great economic uncertainty, on 8 August 1990 was recorded in the history of Peru as the day the first administration of Alberto Fujimori announced measures against hyperinflation.
was the then Economy Minister Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller, who was in charge of announcing the plan, saying the final words expressing this uncertainty: "May God help us!".
remembered for that phrase, now Howard Miller in the news for having made available to the authorities after spending ten years in hiding.
agronomist at the University Agraria La Molina, born in 1940 held senior positions in private and public institutions. Including the Central Reserve Bank (1968-1971), the chairman of the Agrarian Bank of Peru (1983), the Ministry of Agriculture in the second government of Fernando Belaunde (1983-1985) and minister of economy in the first presidency of Alberto Fujimori, who was also prime minister from 1990 to 1991, he had to resign before the People's Action Party.
received money from Montesinos
As recalled, Hurtado Miller appears in one of the famous 'vladivideos'. In the images dating from August 1998, he is seen receiving U.S. $ .334.000 from former presidential adviser Vladimiro Montesinos in order to finance his campaign this past year as mayor of Lima and Vamos Vecino.
In March 2001 Angela Báscones judge ordered his arrest, but he went into hiding. Only in May of that year, prosecutors sent to Congress on video scandal.
In June of that year, from the underground, agreed in an interview with "Masks" receiving money; but he added: "It was not the state but Gamarra entrepreneurs, at least that's what I said."
In that same interview, he confessed that he hid for three days with Alan Garcia then your neighbor when more than 50 police officers raided his house in the middle of shooting, after the coup.
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Policy. 12 JAN '09
permanently archived the complaint against Humala by 'Andahuaylazo'
The Second Criminal Court to Free Prisoners can not be concluded that establish that the nationalist leader acted as an instigator in making Andahuaylas police station in January 2005 that killed four policemen and two etnocaceristas.
The Second Criminal Court to Free Prisoners finally filed the complaint against the leader of the Nationalist Party, Ollanta Humala Tasso, by making the police station in Andahuaylas, who led his brother Antauro and that killed four policemen and two etnocaceristas, in January 2005.
The Superior Court adopted this measure to confirm the decision of the 19 Criminal Court of Lima, in the first instance, resolved not to initiate criminal proceedings against former presidential candidate for the crime of rebellion against the State, reported RPP.
By majority decision, the members of the Second Criminal Court to Free Prisoners concluded that there is common ground that Humala Tasso acted as an instigator of 'Andahuaylazo', because when the nationalist leader was completing his work as military attache in Seoul Antauro his brother had taken the decision to enter the police station said.
However, Humala Tasso faces yet another process in the judiciary for alleged human rights violations when he was in charge of subversive base against the My Mother's town in the San Martín region in 1992.
Whats Better Rotary Or Foil
Jaguars lost queretaro LOST .....
Sparknotes On Deathwatch By Robb White
Necaxa is a tris of relegation for the second time in three years, the red and white box has not been able to rescue the points needed to get rid of the problem of the descent, but also has added problems among the group of players and coaching staff that became apparent in his last game and have led to the edge of the loss category.
Latest attitudes and José Antonio Castro Dario Gandin, are a reflection of the bad atmosphere in the spokes, which in just three days, they need a miracle to stay in first. Therefore
Team President Luis Ogarrio, sounding somewhat resigned to his words he said it is clear that some players are given and others are given as the team's situation.
"The Necaxa are sad and have been many games this season, we have an oversight and put us a goal and we did not score, that makes you play with a lot of pressure and takes attitudes that should not be, today I will meet with the coach and give a determination within the Castro case, "said the manager was in Castro
nothing to hold on to blows with the coach Sergio Bueno, after being replaced in the match against Tecos, the defense ended in a verbal confrontation with the coach and players on the bench.
"Every player reacts differently, I would certainly stay with 11 'Quatrochis', you must find a compromise even, there are some who leave the soul and some not, but we see the immediate future is Saturday.
"I am the primary responsibility what happens on your computer, while there is life there is hope, if we get down we will fight back to back, Necaxa is a team that deserves to be in first division, "he said.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Typical Placement For Post Holdbacks
In another close powerful party, Monarcas Morelia came from behind and beat Jaguares de Chiapas 2-1, in game on 14 of the 2011 Torneo Clausura Mexican soccer match at the stadium Morelos.
Chiapas had taken the lead on the scoreboard to 66 minutes to recording of Hugo Sanchez, but Monarchs rallied with goals from Rafael Marquez Lugo, who came to nine points, at minute 83, and Angel Sepulveda to 86, I turned around. In
commitment of the Group Three teams, the victory allows the assembly to arrive at 27 units Michoacan, while 11 remained in Chiapas and in the percentage ratio increased from 1.1531 to 1.1414 and seized the warning lights.